Tumblr is the big part of my Monday Musings. I'm cracking myself up right now. Have you heard of it? Probably not huh? Unless you're twenty something and hip to the bone. So mum's the word. I'm incognito over there to see what the buzz is about. I've come to the understanding that it is micro-blogging and my conclusion is that Tumblr is Twitter on steroids.
Lots and lots of pictures and you can reblog, like retweeting, somebody's post. You can "like" (ala Facebook) pictures, quotes, posts etc. And sharing is the biggie. Let's see if I can be hip and somehow network G8Press books, find illustrators, readers and writers.
I am hopeful my son will never read this blog for fear of brain implosion. Both son and daughter already roll their eyes at mom being on Facebook, though they forget that I am the one who brought them FB way. No worries. Speaking of Facebook . . . do kids understand the fact their parents are indeed on Facebook? I mean to say, I know all my daughter's secrets and whereabouts at all/most times. I'm not complaining, mind you, I'm just having my Monday Morning Musings.
Oh Monday, Monday. The weather is changing, clouds are finally rolling in. Goodbye 100+ degree weather. I'm ready for Autumn Colors and Desert Frost. And there I go networking again.
“MONDAY, n. In Christian countries, the day after the baseball game.” Yes indeed, we (me, myself and I) have jumped on the Texas Rangers bandwagon. After all, Josh Hamilton has been one of my heroes for quite some time. Beyond Belief

I hear you on all fronts. So many social networking sites ... so little time... I haven't tried Tumblr and I'm almost afraid to now. perhaps I'm too old and geeky ...
Hehehehe . . . Oh, I think you should try Tumblr. It even looks like it will either surpass Twitter or begin working side by side with it much like SKYPE partnered up with Facebook. That's my take on it anyhow. Besides, you and I can be "old" and geeky together. ;)
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