Friday FREEbie. The rules are up on my Friday FREEbie page. I'll post it here since it's our first. Don't forget to snag our Friday FREEbie Meme button.
Every Friday post three Freebies on your blog. You can find these on the internet. Google or Swagbucks are your friends. Tell us a little bit about the Freebie whether it be a free book (I have a list below), a product sample, writing classes, free music downloads (Amazon has them), and perhaps we should end the meme post with a scripture using either the word FREE or the theme FREEdom. Leave your link on my comment section (and other participants' posts) so I/we can visit your Friday post. You can also leave a message with your link here, telling us you are participating. That's our Friday Meme.
Here's my three FREEbies:
1. The Accidental Hero by Joshua Graham: I found this free book offer on Amazon and I like the product description. Haven't read it yet so I hope it lives up to its reviews. It's the Kindle edition. If you don't have a Kindle you can download the app for your PC for free. Hey you get an extra Friday FREEbie here.
2. FREE products. I get all my product samples from the Hey It's Free Blog. Sometimes you receive full size bottles of shampoo etc. But even the sample sizes are good enough for a few washes. There's loads of free products to choose from. And the author of the blog is hilarious.
3. Education Wants To Be FREE: Terri Main offers FREE writing courses on her blog. Yes, they are priceless. Everything there is FREE and you are FREE to re-post her lessons.
Scripture: "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed" (John 8:35-37).
Don't forget to leave my your link so I can visit your blog!
Happy Friday!
Happy Friday!

Internet Freebies Friday Meme
I'm giving away a free Chicken Soup for the Soul book in celebration of the publishing of my first story with Chicken Soup!
C'mon over....http://cabreeze.blogspot.com
don't forget to post the Meme Button.
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