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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What's Up With Lulu?

Lady Gatekeeper has condensed her novel into three short chapters and decided to publish it on Lulu. But alas, Lulu has changed slightly . . . for one it seems she no longer has an account. Oh well, there goes Lady Mom's cook book. We shall republish. Although, cook books on Lulu is quite a large pot of gold these days. Lady Lulu has also upped her prices on standard publishing. Ah, the cost of living. Hopefully it will all be worth it.

Illustrations are needed before the Gatekeeper hits the publish button, of course, because she would love to stock this tale with eye catching delights. It is quite a bit of work this layout business and all. So of we go then.

Plus we are editing the last chapters of the fuller tale and it should be on its way to a publisher soon. Well, at least the book proposal shall make its way there.

Nonetheless, please come visit the writers on December 4th and 5th at Paz Naz' Ladies Night out. The feathers are dipped in ink and we shall write our names on anything we can lay our dainty hands on.

Read "Of Kaynanites" right here.

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