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Monday, April 21, 2008

Do You Have a Sport Addiction?

Gatekeeper's confession--she watches way too many sporting events. Makes for a good time and she's quite fun to hang out with. So your nfl picks would be a good topic at this forum. Or if it is baseball you are diligently watching these days you might want to share news regarding your favorite team and all the latest updates with them. Lady Gatekeeper shall stick with her Angels even though we're not quite sure which city they belong to at this particular moment. Stay with me now.

Nonetheless, this is the time for all sport addicts to decide what on Earth to watch--we have hockey playoffs, NASCAR, NBA playoffs (Lakers rule), baseball and the all-exciting NFL draft to waste our time with. Have fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

check out this guy and his sports addiction. He lost 90KG and is now totally addicted to sports.
