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Friday, September 30, 2011

Geeky Gadget News

Yes, my friends, it is that time again. Scouring the web to bring you some deals starting with the infamous Discount Deal Codes and Geeky Gadgets. We aim to please. And, as usual, we use the name Geek with much love.

Surely you would want to keep up with all the Geeky news and blog updates? How else would you know about Drumstick Pencils? Yes, you heard. I recommend them for every class room. And what kid's room is complete without the Dr. Who: The Eleventh Hour Doctor and Amy Pond Alarm Clock? I know. This is what I am talking about. Sweet and quirky geeky gadgets. Personally, I would like to see the "Come to the Dark Side" apron under my Christmas tree. Really, I would.

In any case, gadgets are updated every day on the Geek Alerts blog. And if you need any ideas for fun gifts this season, you'll need to check it all out. And while you're on the site catch up with some interesting articles like 10 Big Differences Between the Harry Potter Book . . . and the Movie. Fun!

And lest we forget to mention Geek Alerts has pages of deals and codes from online stores and even boast Walmart Coupons: Weight Watchers, Vitamin Shop, Nutrisystem, and Apple are on their radar (one of them is not like the other, lol). Target coupons are also available. Cannot have one without the other, I guess. Well, that' s the news for now. I think they're trying to save you money so you can buy more of those gadgets. Ah, it's a good deal.

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