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Friday, April 16, 2010

Blankets For Foster Kids

At the end of the evening it's nice to sit in front of the television with your favorite show, like the creepy "Fringe" or the now-very-confusing "LOST," and wind down. Nice cup of tea (I prefer licorice) and my trusty crochet needle.

My friend, Diana, and her buddies at work are crocheting (some knitting) 8x8 squares. Then gifted "others" magically join the squares together to make a completed blanket. These are given to foster kids. Pretty awesome!

The top right picture: My latest bundle of squares that I'll hand off to Diana this Sunday. So, Lady Gatekeeper is now looking for yarn . . . camouflage would be cool. Anyhow, Diana send me a few photographs of the completed project. Of course, this project is ongoing.

GateKeeper Sig


Bernie said...

These blankets are lovely and for such a good cause. I remember when I was having chemo my sister would sit beside my bed and knit these kind of squares for a similar project the hospital was doing.
..........:-) hugs

The Gatekeeper said...

Thanks Bernie. We hope to get involved with our local hospitals too. How are you feeling these days?
