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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Things I Learned About Myself This Weekend

We had a salad and sushi luncheon for one of our pastors this Sunday. Who knew that I would love sushi? In any case, said pastor and his family are bound for Hong Kong which in itself scares the heck out of me. It's not a city I would plan on visiting, though I'm sure parts of it must be beautiful or interesting at least. But what I did learn is that if I was ever blessed with a good man, I would follow him onto the mission field in a heartbeat. That is a major change of thinking. Of course, going out there on my own still makes my knees tremble. Strange really, since I come from a family of pastors and missionaries.

Anyhow, I discovered that I don't mind serving people as I stood behind a large pot of chocolate soup and gave everyone a tremendous scoop of it to make pazookies--rather enjoyed talking to everyone as they passed my station. That's quite an accomplishment for a recluse such as myself.

Furthermore, speaking to handsome men, even a movie star, didn't cause anxiety and such, lol, and I had no problem holding a conversation. What on earth is happening to me?

Now on the physical side. No one ever told me (or perhaps I wasn't listening) that eating 1200 calories or less a day would not help me lose weight. It's the kinds of food that caused my problems. Note to self: do not eat potatoes (especially French fries), rice, bread (white flour) or sugar. Poison! Good luck with that Self. Nonetheless, it's these foods that created all those tummy, medical, and weight problems.

I also learned that I have dry red eyes, dry mouth and that I need to add fish to my diet to help alleviate this. And of course, drink more water a day. Although I already drink about 32 ounces of agua. And a good cup of green tea can only better my health.

Okay, love fish, so that won't be hard. Therefore, drove Self to Trader Joe's after luncheon and stocked up on salads and fish--salmon rolls and water crackers. Yumm. And lastly, would you believe, my white teeth really does give me a pretty smile therefore I should not be afraid to smile more often.

In conclusion, this journey of self-discovery is quite nice and just in time for Christmas. Now if I can only find my runaway dogs. Sigh.


Paddy O said...

You can also get cod liver oil pills as a supplement.

Sure you have a weird burp a little while later, but it's very good for your mind and body.

Paddy O said...

Oh, and who's going to Hong Kong?

The Gatekeeper said...

Cod liver oil pills. Cough! Yuck. Ick. Blah! :)

Paddy O said...

But they're so good for you!!

Bad aftertaste about an hour later, admittedly.

The Gatekeeper said...

Paddy, when are you going to change that avatar???? I like your facebook pic!!!!! lol.

Naomi said...

Hong Kong is a great place. One of my schoolfriends was born there and lived there for a while (her dad was in the army). Good luck with the healthy eating plan Gatekeeper.
