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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Gatekeeper's Memories

Once upon a time (sorry, couldn't resist) the Gatekeeper's family lived in peace in a very small castle. Though there was happiness, it seemed there was also loneliness. But alas, the Gatekeeper did not see it in time and the lord of the castle left.

This past Sunday there was much singing in the Gatekeeper's place of worship we lovingly call, NewSong. Lord Pastor talked about the Sunday after Easter when the Lord of all the heavens appeared to so many people proving his resurrection. It is a story for another time. Lord Worship Leader (my personal favorite) picked one particular song that flooded the Gatekeeper's brain with wonderful memories.

When the lord of her castle sang praise and worship to the Author of the Universe, on stage, it was this song that stirred his heart:

Famous One

You are the Lord -- the famous One
Great is Your name in all -- the earth
The heavens de-clare -- You're glorious, glorious
Great is Your fame beyond -- the earth

For all You've done and yet to do
With every breath, I'm praising You
De-sire of nations and every heart -- You a-lone are God
You a-lone are God

The morning star is shining through
And every eye is watching You
Re-vealed by nature and miracles -- You are beautiful
You are beautiful.

[(by Chris Tomlin and Jesse Reeves copyright songs/Six Steps Music (admin. EMI christian Music Publishing)]

1 comment:

Susan Skitt said...

What a beautiful song. I don't think I've heard that one. It makes me think of a simple song from my childhood. "He is Lord, He is Lord, He is risen from the dead and He is Lord. Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord."

You have a very unique blog and I mean that in a good way. As time allows, I'll have to investigate more. For now I came here through the gates of California Breeze via the long and winding Blog Road. (smile) What a wild and wooly world, navigating this land of Blogdom.

