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Monday, January 03, 2011

Getting Healthy is Expensive

For all you people who shop and breathe Whole Foods . . . are ya crazy??? It cost $90 for a whole day supply of food. Okay, maybe a couple of days. The food is good, very good, and I feel wonderful eating from their buffet. But again, we dropped $22 on lunch for two of us--without drinks. However, if I had the money I would shop there for sure. It is indeed expensive to stay healthy.

In any case, I spent the day in bed today trying to sleep off the "dizzies" and a little nausea. I figure it was exhaustion since I've been traveling between San Jacinto and Huntington Beach these last to weeks. Speaking of getting healthy, there's something about Huntington Beach that makes me feel good. All my physical ailments seem to disappear. Did I blog about that already? I can't keep up with myself (Twitter, Facebook).

I'm pretty sure I've lost about five pounds just waking up in HB and smelling the fresh ocean air. My bones stop aching, no more bloating issues and I crave fruit and veggies all the time. Go figure.

When I was in my twenties a friend of mine tried to teach me how to surf. Huntington Beach was our favorite spot. Perhaps I should borrow my daughter's surfboard and see if any of those lessons stuck. Very unlikely and I'm not sure if HB is ready to see a 51 year old riding a wave (or falling of one) on a pink surfboard.

Oh well, maybe my kids will adopt me or at least let me stay in their cozy beach cottage next Summer. Oh the joy!

Debby A.
HB Sunset/surfer pic

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