Did you know that Seattle is built on top of itself? Apparently, the whole darn city burned down in the mid 1800's. So they decided to throw some dirt, saw dust peely things and trash (discarded things I guess) and started building up. There's an underground tour and the history is pretty amazing. $15 later I knew more about Seattle than I ever wished. After all, what would every city do with an underground? Yeah, just use your

My Princess has pictures . . . must post later.
So being with cousins, aunts and uncles was an amazing time. The weather was perfect. Lucky for us we just missed the heat wave with temps over 100 . . . wait, sounds like home. Nonetheless, low to mid 70's is just dreamy if you ask me. We even had a little rain, most foreign to these Southern Cal desert dwellers.

Goodbye was hard even though we enjoyed the ride to SeaTac at 3:30 in the morning (thank you cousin Cyndi). We were a little loopy. No sleep for the kids until we got on the plane--almost impossible, lots of turbulence and a medical emergency on board. Ah yes, it was an adventure right up to the minute we got back in LA. And that's a whole other story! Oh yes, there is more to come.

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