Mary Rice Hopkins-hostess
Darcy-guest of Mary
Sharon P.
MaryAnn-guest of Debby
Very important people
We got busy right away—after 45 minutes of greetings.
First, we read the latest draft of Muriel's introduction to her new book for non-Christians. Muriel did a fine job and there were few changes.
Next we got to know Marianne, a marriage and family therapist. When she said she didn’t bring anything for critique, Debby (the wonderful friend she is) whipped out a draft of Marianne’s writing. And then we (the wonderful critiquers we are) made MaryAnn read it to us. Marianne (the brave soul that she is) quicky thumbed through her notes and began. As Pat put it, “a beautifully written piece.” The book is about cleaning…but its not what you think!
Mary and Darcy gave us a demonstration of their latest venture…puppets with a heart. We met a cute dog (Roofus?) a puppet character who has a removable heart. The heart serves as a visual aid to help kids' with hurting hearts to feel better. The gals will be tackling some tough issues including divorce, death of loved ones, and more. They are currently finalizing a television contract and they covet our prayers for this ministry. Oh and please pray that Mary can stand in one place long enough to be filmed. (at a recent filming, the cameramen had to strap sandbags on her feet.)
Sandee had the opportunity to teach a writing class and is now busy working on her book, "From Whom My Heart Yearns. She told us how she took a music minister out to lunch and ended up getting some good ideas for her book. We all thought this was a great way to do research.
Debby has emailed us the final chapters of her book for a critique. She is now writing poetry while she waits for us to get back to her. So now the group is editing the chapters and poetry at the same time. The latest update is "don't just edit chapter 42."
Jane's home addition is going well and she should be able to have us over in the fall. She is beginning to write a new prayer journal for the M islands and she is happy to report there is now hair on her head! Praise God...and continue in prayer for her restored health..
Pat just signed a contract regarding her sixth missions book "Extreme Argentina". But her mind is on an Extreme Missions Conference, a large gathering that she is in charge of. She has major responsibilities and asked for our prayers . Her smoothie book is "in committee" at Beacon Hill. Pat is so busy, she hopes the book stays IN committee and doesn't come OUT of committee too soon.
Carrie has been busy volunteering at Dovetail ministries, and taking care of her mom. She has a possible job at Sony. Please pray she can land this job!
Yvonne wants prayer for time to write. She has plenty of ideas in her head, but can't seem to sit down to write. Which prompted Sharon to admit she had no ideas in her head..
Somehow after that, we got on the subject of smoking pot and writing. Then the subject changed when Darcy decided to flash her dog puppet at Mary's dog--who was calmly sitting on the other side of the sliding glass door. The real dog went crazy barking and we didn't hear the front door open...
Suddenly there was Marilyn and her sister Carol! This caused quite a stir. They stayed long enough to absorb about eleven hugs and then had to leave to prepare for the big celebration of Irene's home-going. It was fun to meet Carol, the Queen of the our favorite meeting place.
We finally calmed down and realized we needed to finish going around the table to see how everyone was doing. Each person had 5 minutes. (Ha. Ha.) We managed to squeeze in side notes on lip rings, tatoos, and parenting drummers. At one point Mary knocked over her mug and it shattered on the floor with a BANG. Thanks Mary for a bang of a meeting!
See you next time!
Sharon P.
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