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Monday, January 22, 2007

Little Bro's Survival Kit

No really, little brother is stocking the family store, Emmie's One Stop Depot, with all the necessities of life. We would be honored, indeed, if you all came for a visit? One can only hope you do. If you order something I'll send you a FREE copy of our family cookbook, Come and Dine, if you like. At least take a look. That's Layne flying again.

Here's my pick of the week item. It's the awesome survival kit. Layne might have to pick one up from Uncle Josh soon. Anyhow click on the pretty red back pack and see all the amazing stuff it carries for all your emergency needs. Thanks.

You really need to check this back pack out. You won't believe what's inside. Go ahead, I know you want to.


Marie said...

Oh, I wish you'd put some Watkins products in your store. I have been trying to find a store to take advantage of the Retail Initiative we have - you can put up to 20 products in an independent store now.

Let me know if you want to look into that.

L.L. Barkat said...

Somehow, this reminds me of the book A Walk in the Woods. I guess because he goes shopping first at a camping store. Truly an amusing sketch! (Wouldn't it be a cool idea to pair books with the products?)

