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Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010 This is Your Last Post

Farewell to 2010. It was a pretty good year. There were new milestones and I eased into the empty nest syndrome pretty nicely. The youngest bird seems to fly back home a lot but that's okay. He really does need his own car. You know how car is spelled f r e e d o m. Hopefully that will be accomplished within the first month of the new year.

My New Year's Resolution, um, I mean, my New Year's attitude, is what I wrote on my FaceBook wall--"Prayer, first thing in the morning, is like arming yourselves." 2011 is gonna find me armed for the battle. It can't be all that hard to wake up and greet the Lord before your feet touch the ground. After all, isn't He the one who just gave you a brand new day? So I'm pretty sure He knows what's coming.

Early this morning I braved the chill of the Southern California winter. Don't laugh. We're pretty sissy when it dips below 70 degrees. In any case, I had my cell phone, my trusty Palm Pre, and took a few pics. After the rain is nice.

We actually have grass growing in the back yard. Woo hoo! This came a day after the water receded. I think God was building a swimming pool back there. Be careful what you pray for.

This is the ground before the rain.

This is the ground after the rain. No kidding!

My scripture for the year 2010 was Philippians 4:12, "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want."

The new year will have me on offense with Ephesians 6:10-17, "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."

So goodbye 2010. It was a very good year.

Debby A.
We started G8Press in 2010 and looking forward to its growth in 2011.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

How To Keep Life Simple

My son and I sat down after dinner in his cozy little house on the beach and decided to watch Marley & Me starring Owen Wilson and Jennifer Anniston. It really was a simple kind of movie--no plot actually, just a sweet guy and the love for his wife, kids and Marley of course--a Labradoodle. At least, I think that's what he was.

But let me back up a little just to show how simple my own life is even though I've gone through a divorce, just started a publishing business, and am experiencing the empty nest syndrome. Simple gives much joy, like John Grogan learned (from what I perceived).

Morning in the desert began with heavy showers and snowfall upon the mountain behind us. Honestly, I thought the water would reach inside the house this time and the mist of the mountain engulf us. But the rain stopped and only managed to cover plant life. The clouds drifted off and made the mountains visible again. Son was still sleeping when the clock struck twelve noon. He didn't seem to worry that we had furniture and other items to pack into the car and drive him home to Huntington Beach. I decided to just let him sleep and hoped things would get done in time.

Finally on the road around 5pm, after Daughter had been calling a few times to make sure we would get back to HB before dark. Not much chance of that. Son packed up his drums, a mattress, a wooden table, an end table and some groceries. Nice packing job. My car is way bigger than anyone thought. Mini Vans rule!!

We got to HB home around 7:45 and immediately started cleaning house. Boxes everywhere!! And . . . someone parked their little Mini Coup in our driveway. Not cool. We parked in front of Son's house and consequently received a parking violation ticket from HBPD. I decided not to get mad and hunt down the owner of that coupe . . . IN LOVE!!!!!

In any case, we munched on something that pretended to be dinner, popped a few bags of microwave popcorn, pulled up the ottoman, fluffled up pillows, wrapped ourselves in blankets and turned on the Blue Ray player to watch Marley & Me. I still don't know what Blue Ray is.

So here's the gist of the movie (and I'm ashamed to say that I have not finished the book). John marries Jennie, a beautiful and wonderful girl. Even a blizzard cannot take away the her joy on the day of her wedding. So you can imagine how nice she is. John soon takes her to a farm of doggies (because he doesn't think he's ready for children) and they pick out the cute runt of the litter (Clearance Puppy is what Jennie called him), Marley. Of course, Marley is like the worst dog ever. He destroyed furniture, jumped out of the car while driving on the freeway/main street, swallowed precious jewelry, pooped out precious jewelry, and was even kicked out of obedience school. Marley was always on the go, never had time to sit still.

A touching moment came when Jennie had lost her first baby and Marley sat still in front of her. Marley could feel her pain. Tissue time.

Back to my life. When I woke up this morning I ran into my daughter who was having breakfast. She only had a few minutes before she left for Big Bear (I'm thinking it was Vegas). I thanked her for my Christmas gift, which was the Marley and Me DVD and we had a chance to talk about the movie. Wow, here's my analysis.

John and Jennie were such simple people but they wound up making pretty good money. Yet, they managed to keep it simple. John's friend seemed to be living John's dream life. I think John's friend (sorry the name escapes me) was lonely and his dream job wasn't making him happy. But he pretended it did. He had no wife, no family, not even a dog, no responsibilities. Pretty lonely if you ask me.

Marley was the part of John and Jennie's chaos we like to call unconditional love. He was a bad dog, disobedient but didn't care if you were rich or poor. Love was what he was concerned about. Not only that they would love him but that he (Marley) could love them whatever life's situation was.

John became a columnist, in which Marley became the star. But John still thought he wanted to be a "real" journalist, traveling to exotic countries and covering wars and other catastrophes. In his forties he finally gets his chance in Philly. But there he learns that he loved being a columnist. Go figure. He was happy all along but didn't know it.

And, of course, all through life's decisions there's this dog, this loveable destroyer Labradoodle, who was a part of everything. He even waited for the kids where the school bus dropped them off. Ah, the simple life.

The simpleness? He wrote about what he knew and loved . . . his wife, his kids, his dog. And it brought him success and priceless life lessons. So, from John Grogan to me. Keep it simple, love the people in your life, even the ones who are hard to love and write about what you know and love. It's a beautiful day.

Debby A.

illustrations by Pearson Scott Foresman

Friday, December 03, 2010

My Christmas Special: Want My FREE E-Book?

If I Can Cook It You Can Cook It Cookbook

Christmas 2010 Special

From now till December 25th: E version of this cookbook will be FREE. $1 donations are accepted. In order to get the free version you must join our G8Press Facebook page. Then email and write “Free E-book Please” in the subject line.

Donations (optional) can be made on our G8Press blog through PayPal. Hurry, remember this offer is only good till December 25th. After Christmas the FREE E-book will still be offered if you buy our latest title The Write Cook.

Merry Christmas 

Debby A.